Things To be Expecting In stranger Things 4.

Things To be Expecting In stranger Things 4. 


1. Hopper Is probably not dead. 

There wasn't any specific scene indicating the death of Hopper. 

Also in the last scene shown in the Russian jail indicating It might be Hopper

2. Return of El's power. 
There are 2 possibilities  
Either they all fight as a team & the powers return by the last fight. 

Or it would return naturally by the  episodes. 

3. Return to Hawkins. 
This is not a possibility but a sure one as this time it would be the return as The Byers. Will, Joyce, El and Jonathan Byers. 😍😍

4. More Demogrogans to fight. 

Obviously our petal shaped enemy nor the mind flayer is Dead. 

These are the general prediction we could make for now. 
Comment Below  if you have any more theories for stranger things season 4. 
