Hidden Gems Movies • Lesser Known Movies You Probably Could have Missed.

Hidden Gems Movies ~ A Glitterish Blog Post

So That's Right Fella's Today I am going to talk about some really great content which really didn't get the exposure or we could say wasn't trending Though it Deserved to be reached To All.

That's Right This List is about The Hidden Gems or lesser known movies but which Are worth watching!!!

People who have already seen this movie A Thumbs up Also comment below which one of these You liked. And Those Who have watched These movies and still didn't find impressive Also understandable about having different Opinions.
Said that The List is for who haven't watched so let's get started!

1~ Please Stand By

2~ Unicorn store

3~ Spirited Away

4~  The lives of others

5 ~ Arrietty

6~ Exam

7~ Candy Jar

I'll Add More Movies To The List As I Keep Discovering But These Movies Really Need Appreciation Like Others. 

Hope this helped you. If you have any questions do ask in the comment section.
Let me know your thoughts if you have seen these Movies and if you want Review on more comment below.

Until then Bye. 


The Critique and Ratings.
