Best Apps For Study And Productivity | Best Apps For Students.

Hello Everyone, 

So Today I'm Going To Share something Different Than The Usually Reviewing. 

This Is The List Of Apps That Had Helped Me Study. 
And My Favorite Study Tools.

like Is there an app that helps you study? yes, there is.

And Because These are Really Good Resources So I'm Sharing My Favorite and Best Beneficial Study Apps.

How can I study smart? I would recommend to simply try these or the new apps out there.

What is the best student planner app? here are some of the best apps.

Also This is my personal opinion Study Apps Which has Helped Me And Not Sponsored In Any Way.

Let's Get To The List of Best Apps For Studying and Productivity.

1. SlideShare:  It Has Information well presented In the Form Of presentations, infographics, and videos By Professional Teachers And I Have Found Information About almost all Topics I want. This is my favourite to find study material.

2.Quizlet :  is the  flashcards app that helps you study and learn and Take Test It's a Whole Package. We can also create Our own flashcards +  there is an ample amount of existing sets of Cards. Thus My Second Favourite For information.

3. Khan Academy You Can Find Free videos, exercises, tests for math, science etc.

4. Brainly : It had detailed answers and solutions from major educational sources.

5. Study Music App : study songs Sometimes helps me to focus. It has music for concentration and focus.

6. PEAK : Peak is Fun as well as has Memory, Attention, Math, Problem Solving, Mental Agility, Language, Coordination, Creativity etc brain training workouts.

7. Alarmy : It Is The Most Annoying alarm clock app But We All Need It During Exams.

8. FLIP : It uses Pomodoro techniques & helps you pay attention to your study.

9. Diary : It is More than a study App  as it has all these features To-Do List, Goals, Water and Food tracker.

10. Elevate It has brain games which help you train Your Brain.

11.Fabulous Helps Me To Motivate and maintain My study habits.

I hope this Study Apps helped you. If you have any questions Also Let me know your thoughts if you used This Apps Review  comment below.

