Chilling adventures of Sabrina A Midwinter's Tale ~ A Glitterish Blog Review .
The Family celebrate Solstice, while Sabrina decides to contact her Mother's Spirit with the help of the Weird sisters, It seems like they are going to team well in the coming series.
And Susie becomes The Jingles The Elf and has to deal with a monster, and giving the Lead of Greendale having More Monsters and Witches to Deal with.
While for the people who ship Harvey-Sabrina could be a Bit Disappointed as decide to break up by the end. I personally ship them and hope they are not kept apart for to long.
But Also who have seen the teaser of season 2 know they would not be, but rather could get mingled with Roz and Nick in Between.
Who haven't seen It Yet
A Midwinter's Tale Is an absolute Treat To the Sabrina Fans.
It is a Christmas Special or The Solstice Special in Witch World.
Sabrina starting to go Full Witch.
There's a new member's entry in the Spellman family and that's Baby Letitia The People who have watched the first season can probably Guess Who Baby Letitia is.
The Family celebrate Solstice, while Sabrina decides to contact her Mother's Spirit with the help of the Weird sisters, It seems like they are going to team well in the coming series.
Ms. Wardwell, or Madam Satan as always being in the good side for Sabrina, and creating mess in the back.
Roz starting to completely understand and believing Her Cunning. Giving the Lead of Sabrina-Roz Adventures ahead.
And Susie becomes The Jingles The Elf and has to deal with a monster, and giving the Lead of Greendale having More Monsters and Witches to Deal with.
While for the people who ship Harvey-Sabrina could be a Bit Disappointed as decide to break up by the end. I personally ship them and hope they are not kept apart for to long.
But Also who have seen the teaser of season 2 know they would not be, but rather could get mingled with Roz and Nick in Between.
Who haven't seen It Yet
And For All the Fans best news of all would be Chilling adventures of Sabrina has been renewed by Netflix for season 3 and 4. Yeah!!
Praise Satan!!
And Bright Solstice!!
And Bright Solstice!!
For Complete Review Of Season One Check Out the Blog Below. 👇
Hope this helped you. If you have any questions do check my post on Rating system.
Let me know your thoughts if you watched the Movie and if you want Review on more comment below.
Until then Bye.
(The Critique and Ratings.) ~ Aglitterishblog
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